what's the relation of "win32 project" name in visual studio to x86 or x64 platform what's the relation of "win32 project" name in visual studio to x86 or x64 platform windows windows

what's the relation of "win32 project" name in visual studio to x86 or x64 platform

  • "Win32" is the name of the OS API.
  • "Win32 Console Application" got its name from the API (not from bit-ness).

Win32 API can be used both by 32-bit and by 64-bit applications. So, a Win32 Console Application can be built both for 32-bit and for 64-bit. For the latter, create the "x64" configuration in the Configuration Manager.

The other answers pretty much have it covered, but I thought I might add the following clarifications:

X86 is for Intel/AMD's 32 bit chip set. Win32 can support other chipsets, such as ARM in a Windows Mobile project.

Furthermore, when building native c++ applications for x86, the platform will actually be called win32.

I think there is a confusion here, tell me if I am wrong, but you're basically have problems setting up your console program to the x64 platform.

If you're using the express version you will need to install a proper Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 and SP1, as stated on the link you provided otherwise the x64 platform option won't be available. Have you already done this?

Once done this, switching to the x64 will be pretty easy, you will get the option on the dropdown list of the platforms, should compile fine (and no, you don't need to use the win32 configuration).