Why am I getting the last octet repeated when my Perl program outputs a UTF-8 encoded string in cmd.exe? Why am I getting the last octet repeated when my Perl program outputs a UTF-8 encoded string in cmd.exe? windows windows

Why am I getting the last octet repeated when my Perl program outputs a UTF-8 encoded string in cmd.exe?

The following program produces the correct output:

use utf8;use strict;use warnings;use warnings qw(FATAL utf8);binmode(STDOUT, ":unix:encoding(utf8):crlf");print 'αβγxyz', "\n";


C:\…> chcp 65001Active code page: 65001C:\…> perl pttt.plαβγxyz

which seems to indicate to me there is some funkiness with the :crlf layer. I do not understand the internals enough to comment intelligently about this at this point.

After many experiments, I have come to the conclusion that, if the console is already set to 65001 code page, binmode(STDOUT, ":unix:encoding(utf8):crlf"); will "work". However, note the following:

binmode(STDOUT, ":unix:encoding(utf8):crlf");print Dump [    map {        my $x = defined($_) ? $_ : '';        $x =~ s/\A([0-9]+)\z/sprintf '0x%08x', $1/eg;        $x;    } PerlIO::get_layers(STDOUT, details => 1)];print "αβγxyz\n";

gives me:

---- unix- ''- 0x01205200- crlf- ''- 0x00c85200- unix- ''- 0x01201200- encoding- utf8- 0x00c89200- crlf- ''- 0x00c8d200αβγxyz

As before, I do not know enough to know the full consequences of this. I do intend to build a debug perl at some point to further diagnose this.

I examined this a little further. Here are some observations from that post:

The flags for the first unix layer are 0x01205200 = CANWRITE | TRUNCATE | CRLF | OPEN | NOTREG. Why is CRLF set for the unix layer on Windows? I do not know about the internals enough to understand this.

However, the flags for the second unix layer, the one pushed by my explicit binmode, are 0x01201200 = 0x01205200 & ~CRLF. This is what would have made sense to me to begin with.

The flags for the first crlf layer are 0x00c85200 = CANWRITE | TRUNCATE | CRLF | LINEBUF | FASTGETS | TTY. The flags for the second layer, which I push after the :encoding(utf8) layer are 0x00c8d200 = 0x00c85200 | UTF8.

Now, if I open a file using open my $fh, '>:encoding(utf8)', 'ttt', and dump the same information, I get:

---- unix- ''- 0x00201200- crlf- ''- 0x00405200- encoding- utf8- 0x00409200

As expected, the unix layer does not set the CRLF flag.