Why does Windows 10 start extra threads in my program? Why does Windows 10 start extra threads in my program? windows windows

Why does Windows 10 start extra threads in my program?

Crystal ball says that the Debug > Windows > Threads window shows these threads at ntdll.dll!TppWorkerThread. Be sure to enable the Microsoft Symbol Server to see this yourself, use Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols.

This also happens in VS2013 so it is most definitely not caused by the new VS2015 diagnostic features, @Adam's guess cannot be correct.

TppWorkerThread() is the entrypoint for a thread-pool thread. When I set a breakpoint with Debug > New Breakpoint > Function Breakpoint on this function. I got lucky to capture this stack trace for the 1st threadpool thread when the 2nd threadpool thread started executing:

    ntdll.dll!_NtOpenFile@24()  Unknown    ntdll.dll!LdrpMapDllNtFileName()    Unknown    ntdll.dll!LdrpMapDllSearchPath()    Unknown    ntdll.dll!LdrpProcessWork() Unknown    ntdll.dll!_LdrpWorkCallback@12()    Unknown    ntdll.dll!TppWorkpExecuteCallback() Unknown    ntdll.dll!TppWorkerThread() Unknown    kernel32.dll!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12()  Unknown    ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart()    Unknown>   ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8()  Unknown

Clearly the loader is using the threadpool on Windows 10 to load DLLs. That's certainly new :) At this point the main thread is also executing in the loader, concurrency at work.

So Windows 10 is taking advantage of multiple cores to get the process initialized faster. Very much a feature, not a bug :)

This intreeged me also, so I decided to find my personal answer; As another poster says, its a bit of a "crystal ball" endevour, but...

The probable cause is one of your threads called either:

  • WaitForSingleObject or
  • WaitForMultipleObjects

The implementation of this in the latest versions of Windows seems to spawn a thread pool to facilitate waiting for objects (don't know why).

This might also possibly be happening before your main because you have some code which causes a global scoped object to be created which then starts off code before you even hit your entry point (this may even be in some standard library code for Windows 10 SDK).

For anyone wanting to find out their own SPECIFIC cause, you can TRY this:

class RunBeforeMain{public:    RunBeforeMain()    {        HMODULE hNtDll = (HMODULE)LoadLibrary(_T("ntdll.dll"));        FARPROC lpNeeded = GetProcAddress(hNtDll,"NtWaitForMultipleObjects");        DebugBreakPoint();    }};RunBeforeMain go;int CALLBACK WinMain(  _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,  _In_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  _In_ LPSTR     lpCmdLine,  _In_ int       nCmdShow){}

When you run this, you will get the library load location for NtDll procedure NtWaitForMultipleObjects in lpNeeded, grab that address and paste it into the disassembly view window then place a breakpoint on the first line.

Now continue running your solution.

Couple of caveats:

  1. We can't effectively control the initialisation order of globals, this is why if you've got good sense coding you avoid them at all costs (unless theres some exeptional need). Due to this fact, we can't guarentee our global will trigger before whatever other global causes additional threads.
  2. Whilst this is before main, the DLL loads of any libraries will proceed any of our calls, therefore, it might be already too late (you can use hacks like forcing no auto loading of libraries but that's way beyond my level of willingness to care here lol).

Hope this helps someone :)