Win32 API command line arguments parsing Win32 API command line arguments parsing windows windows

Win32 API command line arguments parsing

The only support that Win32 provides for command line arguments are the functions GetCommandLine and CommandLineToArgvW. This is exactly the same as the argv parameter that you have for a console application.

You will have to do the parsing yourself. Regex would be a good option for this.

You could mess around with various libraries and stuff... But sometimes all you require is something simple, practical and quick:

int i;char *key, *value;for( i = 1; i <= argc; i++ ) {    if( *argv[i] == '/' ) {        key = argv[i] + 1;        value = strchr(key, ':');        if( value != NULL ) *value++ = 0;        process_option( key, value );    } else {        process_value( argv[i] );    }}

You get the idea...

This is assuming a normal Win32 console app as you have implied (which has a traditional main function). For Win32 apps you come in at WinMain instead, as another person has already commented.