Win32 custom message box Win32 custom message box windows windows

Win32 custom message box

As said by others, a typical way is to create a dialog resource and have a completely independent dialog, which GUI you need to design in the way that it looks like standard dialog (to meet your request for feel and look). If you want to accept text messages, you might probably need to add code which resizes the window appropriately.

Still, there is another option for those who feel like diving into advanced things. While MessageBox API does not offer much for fint tuning, you still have SetWindowsHookEx in your hands. Having registgered the hook, you can intercept standard MessageBox window procedure and subclass it in the way you like.

Typical things include:

  • changing button text
  • adding more controls
  • adding timed automatic close

Hooking standard window can do all of those.

UPD. Hey, I realized I have some code with SetWindowsHookEx to share:

You could create an own dialog. Or you could use a window hook as described in this article.

An archived version of the article can be found on

Make a dialog resource (with a GUI editor, or by hand) and call DialogBox on it. There's no way to alter MessageBox behaviour, other than what's supported by its arguments.

That said, your message box can very well use stock Yes/No options.