$(window).on('resize') in JavaScript $(window).on('resize') in JavaScript windows windows

$(window).on('resize') in JavaScript

They aren't the same, in the first example, you're affecting an event to the dom object onresize handler.

The jQuery version is probably doing something different behind the scene. Without looking into the source code, it is probably simply doing:

window.addEventListener('resize', function () {...})

That said, the jQuery version and the native addEventListener are still different because jQuery is also adding some magic to the event handler.

And addEventListenener is probably the prefered way to add event to a DOM object, because you can add multiple events but with the dom attribute on[event] you're limited to one event.

Here's a bit more about it: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener

While you're at it, you could also read about the addEventListener friend: removeEventListener.

No they are not same. You could try:

  $(window).on('resize',function1);  $(window).on('resize',function2);

and function1 and function2 both respond when window resize.

But if you using

 window.onresize = function1; window.onresize = function2;

Only function2 respond.