Windows 8 Notification Service notification from command prompt Windows 8 Notification Service notification from command prompt windows windows

Windows 8 Notification Service notification from command prompt

What you want (well, what I wanted, so I expect you do, too) is toaster.

A wee Win8 console notifications app. Post toast notifications from the console, making it easy to integrate into existing batch scripts etc.

Just download the file, there's a compiled binary called toast.exe.

From command prompt or batch file:

toast -t "Title text" -m "Message text goes here" -p c:\users\me\picture.png

You can send Windows 8 Notifications from any desktop application.

It should be the same as this example except starting with a command prompt project.

See the msdn quickstart here.

There is a command-line utility called snoretoast.

It has the binaries that you can put somewhere. (One option is to extract the provided "SnoreToast.exe" into the "c:\Windows\System32" folder. That folder is already on your PATH and so the command will be immediately available from everywhere on your system).

Once the binaries are installed, all you have to do is invoke the command. For example,

SnoreToastGui -t "Way back" -m "Back to the future"

displays a toast notification where the title is "Way back" and message is "Back to the future".