windows batch command to determine working directory of a process windows batch command to determine working directory of a process windows windows

windows batch command to determine working directory of a process

tlist from WDK to the rescue! The 2nd line of its output ("CWD: ...") shows the working directory of a process:

> tlist 944 944 postgres.exe   CWD:     D:\Lab\Database\pgsql\test\   CmdLine: "D:/Tools/pgsql/bin/postgres.exe"  -D "."   VirtualSize:   221116 KB   PeakVirtualSize:   242620 KB   WorkingSetSize: 17076 KB   PeakWorkingSetSize: 19336 KB   NumberOfThreads: 4   9084 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting   8504 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x000000b7 State:Waiting   8616 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting   7468 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting shp  0x0000000000400000  D:\Tools\pgsql\bin\postgres.exe 6.1.7601.18247 shp  0x00000000770D0000  C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll ...

See the doc for more info.

Handle is an utility that displays information about open handles for any process in the system. You can use it to see the programs that have a file open, or to see the object types and names of all the handles of a program.

Its GUI-based version is Process Explorer .

handle -p yourProcess.exe  > log.txt

It'll list all handles for yourProcess.exe in log file and now using batch command you can easily extract 'current working directory' of yourProcess from log.txt.

added by barlop

here is the output.. for process c:\tinyweb\tiny.exe run from c:\tinyweb\rrr

C:\Users\user>handle -p tiny.exeNthandle v4.1 - Handle viewerCopyright (C) 1997-2016 Mark RussinovichSysinternals - pid: 20668 compA\user   10: File          C:\Windows   1C: File          C:\tinyweb\rrr   9C: File          C:\tinyweb\rrr\access_log   A0: File          C:\tinyweb\rrr\agent_log   A4: File          C:\tinyweb\rrr\error_log   A8: File          C:\tinyweb\rrr\referer_log   E4: Section       \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\__wmhr_msgs_buffer_name$1e74   EC: File          C:\Windows\winsxs\\Users\user>

If you want to parse it specifically then you could do it in pure cmd.exe with e.g. for /f, or with a third party scripting language like ruby, or with windows ports of various *nix style command line tools. This line uses such tools and gets it (obviously the following line requires grep and sed, preferably decent versions of them e.g. from cygwin)

C:\Users\harvey>handle -p tiny.exe | grep "pid:" -A 3 | sed -n "3p" | grep -o ".:[\]\S*"C:\tinyweb\rrr

The following will work, though you only need "CommandLine" or "ExecutablePath" - not both:

wmic process where "ProcessID=1111" get CommandLine, ExecutablePath

It will return something like the following, showing where the program for PID 1111 is running:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MyProgram\Agent\agent.exe"