Windows CMD.exe "The system cannot find the path specified." Windows CMD.exe "The system cannot find the path specified." windows windows

Windows CMD.exe "The system cannot find the path specified."

The problem is that some program has been set to autorun when you run cmd.exe.In my case it was ANSICON that was installed... and then I moved the file without properly uninstalling.

I found a solution in this blog post:

The short version is to find

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun

and clear the value.

This actually looks like a startup error with PHP, not with your code. Does

php -r "echo 1;"

also throw the same error? If so, your php.ini file or an include may be pathed incorrectly.

php -i

should give you more info.

This message can mean a path in the PATH enviromental variable doesn't exist.

The following PowerShell command will print missing paths.

($env:path).Trim(";").Split(";") | ? {-not (test-path $_)}


> ($env:path).Trim(";").Split(";") | ? {-not (test-path $_)}C:\Program Files\CMake\binC:\Program Files\SDCC\binC:\Users\wjbr\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin
