Windows icon overlays - alternatives, improvements and thoughts? Windows icon overlays - alternatives, improvements and thoughts? windows windows

Windows icon overlays - alternatives, improvements and thoughts?

  • If there is one condition needing an overlay, simply show the one overlay.
  • If there is more than one condition needing an overlay, layer them all as suggested in the question. Then, the window manager would need to provide an extra UI element indicating that "there's more to know here". Perhaps it only shows up on a mouse hover? Anyway, clicking on that element could show details about the overlay conditions for those who REALLY want to know, but it would be hidden away for the 99.99% of the time when no one cares.

One way would be to add a new Status column in details view, displaying the "presence indicator" in localized plain text.

It would be accessible, wouldn't mess with the file's icon, and would be understandable by all users regardless of their culture or their possible ailments.