Windows UAC Dialog Windows UAC Dialog windows windows

Windows UAC Dialog

The best way to avoid it is to add the application manifest: it explicitly conveys to the system that this is not a legacy application and no install-detection logic (which could have false positives) should be applied.

Additionally, your application should have a VersionInfo resource which contains the version of the file and the description.

If your application does not have the manifest, the system uses heuristics to detect if it's installer. If it thinks the application is installer, then running your application will require elevation, and the app will have shield on its icon and executable file.

Excerpt from Installer detection technology:

  • The file name includes keywords such as "install," "setup," or "update."
  • Versioning Resource fields contain the following keywords: Vendor, Company Name, Product Name, File Description, Original Filename, Internal Name, and Export Name.