404 Bot Attack on My Website (DDoS of Sorts) 404 Bot Attack on My Website (DDoS of Sorts) wordpress wordpress

404 Bot Attack on My Website (DDoS of Sorts)

If its your personal website, you can try checking cloudflare, which is free and also it can provide support against any ddos attacks.May be you can give a try.

Okay so after much searching, experimentation and head banging I have finally mitigated the attack.

The solution was to install the apache module 'mod_evasive' see:


So for any other poor soul that gets slammed as severally as I did have a look at that and get your thresholds finely tuned. This is a simple, cheap and very effective means of drastically downplaying any attack similar to the one I suffered.

My server is still getting bombarded by bots but this really does limit their damage.