Add <?php the_content(); ?> to WooCommerce page template Add <?php the_content(); ?> to WooCommerce page template wordpress wordpress

Add <?php the_content(); ?> to WooCommerce page template

  1. Go to Elementor setting and then check products in post types
  2. Go to Products, click Edit on the product you want to edit, input something (ie. a full stop-sign '.') in the WP Editor, click Update. (See attached screenshot.)Screenshot

There seems to be a misconception that Elementor can be used to "edit" any content.

For Elementor to work on a "Page" i.e. the post type that uses either the page.php or any theme declared page templates it requires the_content(); function to present in the code.

Issue #1: WooCommerce uses the woocommerce_content(); function to return the content of the shop.

Issue #2: The Shop output does not use the "Page" or Custom Page template - the output is equivalent to the index.php or home.php, neither of which are editable via Elementor.

Unless you are willing to write a pretty sophisticated function to collect all those elements' data and filter them into the_content(); function, there is currently no way of editing such content directly.

I know it's not the solution you are looking for but that is the current state of affairs. Having said that, some of us are working on all sorts of solutions and maybe, just maybe - we'll come up with a way to have this option available soon ;)

For shop page you should go to Elementor setting and then check products in post types.

Because shop page products are not the content but posts it's the solution.So inlcude products in post types and edit with elmentor, if for some reason you can't see 'edit with elementor' under shop page, then just open shop page and add

/?elementor and it would enable elementor