Agile Uploader Wordpress implementation Agile Uploader Wordpress implementation wordpress wordpress

Agile Uploader Wordpress implementation

Are you sure that the images are not saved as an 'Attachment' to the created post?

Try running:

$attachments = get_posts( array('post_type' => 'attachment','posts_per_page' => -1,'post_parent' => $post->ID,'exclude'     => get_post_thumbnail_id()) );var_dump($attachments);

In the template file you use to view the post.If you're not comfortable with coding, you might use a plugin to do show attached files.Like this "List Attachments Shortcode" plugin.

This might be a little simple, and may not be your issue, but you are missing a curly brace ending (}) after if ($attach_id < 0) { $post_error = true;.

Is that in your actual code or did you simply forget to put it in to your question above?