Amazon Beanstalk Errors on Deployment Amazon Beanstalk Errors on Deployment wordpress wordpress

Amazon Beanstalk Errors on Deployment

May be too late, but recording for posterity: whenever the root file system is full on the EB instance, this error appears. There may be other reasons for this error, but this sure is one.

In our case it was a chatty logging setting that escaped dev environment in a build and got deployed, clogging up /var/log. A quick eb health revealed a warning of the form Degraded 100 % of root file system is in use. 0 MB free. From there, it was easy to clean up.

The problem ended up being with a faulty WordPress plugin. The plugin was creating a new folder in the /tmp directory every time that a file was uploaded but it was never deleting the folder. It would delete all the files within the folder, but never the folder. As the clients used the site and continued to upload images, then those folders would add up and it would eventually fill up the /tmp directory. Fixing this plugin solved the issue and it has not returned.