Applying different CSS class on click using jQuery Applying different CSS class on click using jQuery wordpress wordpress

Applying different CSS class on click using jQuery

Does this give you the expected behavior?

  $('a').each(function(e){        if(!$(this).data('filter') && !$(this).parent().parent().parent().hasClass('pagination'))        $(this).hoverFadeColor();        e.preventDefault();   })

Adding e.preventDefault() should solve the issue.

UPDATED 12/10/2012:

Try updating your click function to the following:

$('ul#menu-main-menu li div ul.sub-menu:first p a').on("click",function(){    var linkClicked = $(this);    $("#menu-main-menu li").each(function(){        $(this).removeClass("selected").css({'color' : '#888'}).addClass('menu-item');        $(this).first("div").show();    });    linkClicked.css({'color' : '#222'})});

If I understand you correctly this should help you, if you're able to insert any type of script that is. :)

$('ul#menu-main-menu li div ul.sub-menu p a').click(function(event){    $('ul#menu-main-menu > li').removeClass('selected');    alert($('ul#menu-main-menu > li').attr('class'));    $('ul#menu-main-menu li').addClass('menu-item');    alert($('ul#menu-main-menu > li').attr('class'));    event.preventDefault();});

I hope this is what you're after! :)

You can try it out here on

I put in two alerts so you can see that the class actually gets removed and then a diffrent class gets added. You of course have to specify how the new class looks in the css.

I did small change in your css and added some jquery functions into your html page as follows :

Css change :

Find line number 67 in your custom.css and replace the coding as follows,

/*Turns link background white and removes border on the left at hover*/.Light #menu ul.main-menu > li:hover > p > a {   background:#FFF;   border-left:6px solid #F0F0F0;}

This above one replace into

/*Turns link background white and removes border on the left at hover*/.Light #menu ul.main-menu > li:hover > p > a {   background:#FFF;   /*border-left:6px solid #F0F0F0;*/}

Adding Jquery function in some where of your theme header or footer file like as follows,

<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() {$("#menu-main-menu li:first").addClass("selected");$("#menu-main-menu li p a").css("border-left","none");$("#menu-main-menu li p a").hover(function(){$(this).css("border-left","6px solid #F0F0F0");});$("#menu-main-menu li").click(function() {  $(this).addClass("selected");});});</script>

This above changes are working for me.,To see it in action :

I think this may help you to resolve your problem.