Browser could not read filename which contains special characters Browser could not read filename which contains special characters wordpress wordpress

Browser could not read filename which contains special characters

The problem is that you should not upload files with special characters in it. What I use in a plugin of mine is the filter sanitize_file_name.

I ended up pulling and adapting 3 functions from this plugin, so as to do a full clean up of uploaded filenames, so as not to have this kind of error:

add_filter( 'sanitize_file_name', 't5_sanitize_filename', 10 );/** * Clean up uploaded file names *  * Sanitization test done with the filename: * ÄäÆæÀàÁáÂâÃãÅåªₐāĆćÇçÐđÈèÉéÊêËëₑƒğĞÌìÍíÎîÏïīıÑñⁿÒòÓóÔôÕõØøₒÖöŒœßŠšşŞ™ÙùÚúÛûÜüÝýÿŽž¢€‰№$℃°C℉°F⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉±×₊₌⁼⁻₋–—‑․‥…‧.png * @author toscho * @url */function t5_sanitize_filename( $filename ){    $filename    = html_entity_decode( $filename, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8' );    $filename    = t5_translit( $filename );    $filename    = t5_lower_ascii( $filename );    $filename    = t5_remove_doubles( $filename );    return $filename;}/** * Converts uppercase characters to lowercase and removes the rest. * * * @uses   apply_filters( 'germanix_lower_ascii_regex' ) * @param  string $str Input string * @return string */function t5_lower_ascii( $str ){    $str     = strtolower( $str );    $regex   = array(        'pattern'        => '~([^a-z\d_.-])~'        , 'replacement'  => ''    );    // Leave underscores, otherwise the taxonomy tag cloud in the    // backend won’t work anymore.    return preg_replace( $regex['pattern'], $regex['replacement'], $str );}/** * Reduces repeated meta characters (-=+.) to one. * * * @uses   apply_filters( 'germanix_remove_doubles_regex' ) * @param  string $str Input string * @return string */function t5_remove_doubles( $str ){    $regex = apply_filters(            'germanix_remove_doubles_regex'            , array(                'pattern'        => '~([=+.-])\\1+~'                , 'replacement'  => "\\1"            )    );    return preg_replace( $regex['pattern'], $regex['replacement'], $str );}    /** * Replaces non ASCII chars. * * * wp-includes/formatting.php#L531 is unfortunately completely inappropriate. * Modified version of Heiko Rabe’s code. * * @author Heiko Rabe * @link * @param  string $str * @return string */function t5_translit( $str ){    $utf8 = array(        'Ä'  => 'Ae'        , 'ä'    => 'ae'        , 'Æ'    => 'Ae'        , 'æ'    => 'ae'        , 'À'    => 'A'        , 'à'    => 'a'        , 'Á'    => 'A'        , 'á'    => 'a'        , 'Â'    => 'A'        , 'â'    => 'a'        , 'Ã'    => 'A'        , 'ã'    => 'a'        , 'Å'    => 'A'        , 'å'    => 'a'        , 'ª'    => 'a'        , 'ₐ'    => 'a'        , 'ā'    => 'a'        , 'Ć'    => 'C'        , 'ć'    => 'c'        , 'Ç'    => 'C'        , 'ç'    => 'c'        , 'Ð'    => 'D'        , 'đ'    => 'd'        , 'È'    => 'E'        , 'è'    => 'e'        , 'É'    => 'E'        , 'é'    => 'e'        , 'Ê'    => 'E'        , 'ê'    => 'e'        , 'Ë'    => 'E'        , 'ë'    => 'e'        , 'ₑ'    => 'e'        , 'ƒ'    => 'f'        , 'ğ'    => 'g'        , 'Ğ'    => 'G'        , 'Ì'    => 'I'        , 'ì'    => 'i'        , 'Í'    => 'I'        , 'í'    => 'i'        , 'Î'    => 'I'        , 'î'    => 'i'        , 'Ï'    => 'Ii'        , 'ï'    => 'ii'        , 'ī'    => 'i'        , 'ı'    => 'i'        , 'I'    => 'I' // turkish, correct?        , 'Ñ'    => 'N'        , 'ñ'    => 'n'        , 'ⁿ'    => 'n'        , 'Ò'    => 'O'        , 'ò'    => 'o'        , 'Ó'    => 'O'        , 'ó'    => 'o'        , 'Ô'    => 'O'        , 'ô'    => 'o'        , 'Õ'    => 'O'        , 'õ'    => 'o'        , 'Ø'    => 'O'        , 'ø'    => 'o'        , 'ₒ'    => 'o'        , 'Ö'    => 'Oe'        , 'ö'    => 'oe'        , 'Œ'    => 'Oe'        , 'œ'    => 'oe'        , 'ß'    => 'ss'        , 'Š'    => 'S'        , 'š'    => 's'        , 'ş'    => 's'        , 'Ş'    => 'S'        , '™'    => 'TM'        , 'Ù'    => 'U'        , 'ù'    => 'u'        , 'Ú'    => 'U'        , 'ú'    => 'u'        , 'Û'    => 'U'        , 'û'    => 'u'        , 'Ü'    => 'Ue'        , 'ü'    => 'ue'        , 'Ý'    => 'Y'        , 'ý'    => 'y'        , 'ÿ'    => 'y'        , 'Ž'    => 'Z'        , 'ž'    => 'z'        // misc        , '¢'    => 'Cent'        , '€'    => 'Euro'        , '‰'    => 'promille'        , '№'    => 'Nr'        , '$'    => 'Dollar'        , '℃'    => 'Grad Celsius'        , '°C' => 'Grad Celsius'        , '℉'    => 'Grad Fahrenheit'        , '°F' => 'Grad Fahrenheit'        // Superscripts        , '⁰'    => '0'        , '¹'    => '1'        , '²'    => '2'        , '³'    => '3'        , '⁴'    => '4'        , '⁵'    => '5'        , '⁶'    => '6'        , '⁷'    => '7'        , '⁸'    => '8'        , '⁹'    => '9'        // Subscripts        , '₀'    => '0'        , '₁'    => '1'        , '₂'    => '2'        , '₃'    => '3'        , '₄'    => '4'        , '₅'    => '5'        , '₆'    => '6'        , '₇'    => '7'        , '₈'    => '8'        , '₉'    => '9'        // Operators, punctuation        , '±'    => 'plusminus'        , '×'    => 'x'        , '₊'    => 'plus'        , '₌'    => '='        , '⁼'    => '='        , '⁻'    => '-' // sup minus        , '₋'    => '-' // sub minus        , '–'    => '-' // ndash        , '—'    => '-' // mdash        , '‑'    => '-' // non breaking hyphen        , '․'    => '.' // one dot leader        , '‥'    => '..'  // two dot leader        , '…'    => '...'  // ellipsis        , '‧'    => '.' // hyphenation point        , ' '    => '-'   // nobreak space        , ' '    => '-'   // normal space    );    $str = strtr( $str, $utf8 );    return trim( $str, '-' );}