Bulk rewrite post slugs based on custom field value in Wordpress Bulk rewrite post slugs based on custom field value in Wordpress wordpress wordpress

Bulk rewrite post slugs based on custom field value in Wordpress

1) Create a new page and assign a new page template to it, lets say site.com/update and update.php. Inside of update.php write you bulk mechanism:

<?php // grab all your posts$parts = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'parts', 'numberposts' => -1,))// loop through every partforeach ( $parts as $part ) {    // get part number    $partno = get_post_meta( $part->ID, 'parto', true );    $updated_post = array();    $updated_post['ID'] = $part->ID;    $updated_post['post_name'] = $partno;    wp_update_post( $updated_post ); // update existing posts} ?>

You could place this anywhere in your theme but I like to create a page for that so I can easily run a cron job with it.

Next the function to change the slug of every newly created post:

<?php function change_default_slug($id) {    // get part number    $partno = get_post_meta( $id, 'parto', true );    $post_to_update = get_post( $id );    // prevent empty slug, running at every post_type and infinite loop    if ( $partno == '' || $post_to_update['post_type'] != 'parts' || $post_to_update['post_name'] == $partno )        return;    $updated_post = array();    $updated_post['ID'] = $id;    $updated_post['post_name'] = $partno;    wp_update_post( $updated_post ); // update newly created post}add_action('save_post', 'change_default_slug'); ?>

The code above runs every time a post gets saved (e.g. when published for the first time) and sets a new post_name to the part no.