Can I host my wordpress blog on github pages as a static webpage Can I host my wordpress blog on github pages as a static webpage wordpress wordpress

Can I host my wordpress blog on github pages as a static webpage

This website gives a good answer on how to do this:

In short:

  1. Set-up GitHub pages.
  2. Install Simply static plugin into WordPress.
  3. Push the export from the plug-in back to your git repository and you are done!

You can't. You would use WordPress if you want a dynamic page - that is the whole point of using it. You could of course grab the html generated by WordPress and push that to your GitHub, but that I think that would be a lot of manual work.

You could try a static page generator, i.e.

If you absolutely can't switch from wordpress, but absolutely need to host on github pages, then your only option is probably to look into some wordpress plugin that will take your entire site and spit out a static website (sort of like jekyll, but for wordpress specifically).

edit: There actually is such a plugin:

I just tested it out on a brand new WP installation and it seems to work alright, but a few things seem not to work.