Change WP admin post status filter for custom post type Change WP admin post status filter for custom post type wordpress wordpress

Change WP admin post status filter for custom post type

Using the filter views_edit-{$post_type}. Modify the array to set the desired post types:

foreach( array( 'post', 'portfolio' ) as $hook )    add_filter( "views_edit-$hook", 'modified_views_so_15799171' );function modified_views_so_15799171( $views ) {    $views['all'] = str_replace( 'All ', 'Tutti ', $views['all'] );    if( isset( $views['publish'] ) )        $views['publish'] = str_replace( 'Published ', 'Online ', $views['publish'] );    if( isset( $views['future'] ) )        $views['future'] = str_replace( 'Scheduled ', 'Future ', $views['future'] );    if( isset( $views['draft'] ) )        $views['draft'] = str_replace( 'Drafts ', 'In progress ', $views['draft'] );    if( isset( $views['trash'] ) )        $views['trash'] = str_replace( 'Trash ', 'Dustbin ', $views['trash'] );    return $views;}
