Changing Port number in WordPress blog Changing Port number in WordPress blog wordpress wordpress

Changing Port number in WordPress blog

I had an issue where the original port I had specified when I installed WP was changed. I couldn't log into wp-admin because WP kept redirecting to the old port. I used phpMyAdmin to edit the wp_options table. Both the siteurl and home records used the old port. With phpMyAdmin, you can edit cells directly without having to export/import. I thought I'd add this as an answer just in case it helps someone else down the road.

Or use a SQL like this:

update wp_options SET option_value = 'http://your-domain/wordpress:new-port' where option_id = 1 and option_name = 'siteurl';update wp_options SET option_value = 'http://your-domain:new-port/wordpress' where option_id = 2 and option_name = 'home';

Go to Dashboard > Settings > General and check what you have for the options:

  • WordPress Address (URL)
  • Site Address (URL)

I found same problem but I'm using xampp.

Scenario I have setup another new server using xampp in a different port (8090), then I transferred the existing WordPress to the new server but it was still keeping redirection to the original port.

Solutions Updated the option_value in the table wp_options in mysql to the new port. Here is an example updated query.

UPDATE `wordpress`.`wp_options`SET`option_value` = 'http://localhost:8090/wordpress'WHERE `option_id` = 1 or `option_id` = 2;