Convert a text type input field in a date type one with jQuery Convert a text type input field in a date type one with jQuery wordpress wordpress

Convert a text type input field in a date type one with jQuery

You can easily change the type in jQuery:

<script src=""></script><input name="adverts_eventDate" id="adverts_eventDate" type="text">

You can't change date format in HTML5 date:

Is there any way to change input type="date" format?

Since you can't change your date format in HTML5, I would recommend jQuery-UI.

Here's an example:

$( function() {    $( "#adverts_eventDate" ).datepicker();  } );
<script src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet"/><script src=""></script><p>Date: <input name="adverts_eventDate" id="adverts_eventDate" type="text"></p>

convert a text type input field in a date type

You can use jquery's attr to change the type attribute from text to date.

$("#convert").click(function() {  $("#adverts_eventDate").attr("type", "date")});
<script src=""></script><input name="adverts_eventDate" id="adverts_eventDate" type="text"><button id='convert'>to date</button>

You can use jquery-ui as follows

 <script src=""></script> <script src="">       </script><input name="adverts_eventDate" id="adverts_eventDate" type="text">

and then

<script>  $( function() {    $( "#adverts_eventDate" ).datepicker();  } );  </script>