Custom Format div in TinyMCE Merges with previous div Custom Format div in TinyMCE Merges with previous div wordpress wordpress

Custom Format div in TinyMCE Merges with previous div

Add these functions to your theme's 'functions.php' for registering new button in TinyMCE.

// init scriptsadd_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'custom_tinymce_theme_setup' );if ( ! function_exists( 'custom_tinymce_theme_setup' ) ) {    function custom_tinymce_theme_setup(){        add_action( 'admin_init', 'custom_tinymce_theme_add_editor_styles' );        add_action( 'init', 'custom_tinymce_buttons' );    }}// add editor custom cssif ( ! function_exists( 'custom_tinymce_theme_add_editor_styles' ) ) {    function custom_tinymce_theme_add_editor_styles() {        add_editor_style( 'custom-editor-style.css' );    }}// add editor button filterif ( ! function_exists( 'custom_tinymce_buttons' ) ) {    function custom_tinymce_buttons() {        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) && ! current_user_can( 'edit_pages' ) ) {            return;        }        if ( get_user_option( 'rich_editing' ) !== 'true' ) {            return;        }        add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', 'custom_tinymce_add_buttons' );        add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'custom_tinymce_register_buttons' );    }}// call editor custom jsif ( ! function_exists( 'custom_tinymce_add_buttons' ) ) {    function custom_tinymce_add_buttons( $plugin_array ) {        $plugin_array['wrap_tab'] = get_template_directory_uri().'/js/tinymce_buttons.js';        return $plugin_array;    }}// add button to editorif ( ! function_exists( 'custom_tinymce_register_buttons' ) ) {    function custom_tinymce_register_buttons( $buttons ) {        array_push( $buttons, 'wrap_tab' );        return $buttons;    }}

Then create a new JS file named 'tinymce_buttons.js' under your '[theme]/js' directory and add the following code.

(function() {    tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wrap_tab', function( editor, url ) {        editor.addButton('wrap_tab', {            title: 'Insert Tab',            cmd: 'wrap_tab',            text: 'Tab',        });        editor.addCommand('wrap_tab', function() {            var selected_text = editor.selection.getContent({                'format': 'html'            });            if ( selected_text.length === 0 ) {                alert( 'Please select text that needs to be wrapped.' );                return;            }            var return_content = '<div class="tab">' + selected_text + '</div>';            editor.execCommand('mceReplaceContent', false, return_content);            return;        });    });})();

You can then include the CSS styles - create a new CSS file named 'custom-editor-style.css' under your theme folder with style definitions to your DIV element.

#tinymce .tab{ padding:10px; border: 1px #666 solid; }

Hope this helps and credits goes to