Deploy FSLab XPlot Graphics to Web Deploy FSLab XPlot Graphics to Web wordpress wordpress

Deploy FSLab XPlot Graphics to Web

As nobody has found an answer and I have found the answer since posting, I have decided to post it here as a legit answer which solved my problem.

Step 1:

Create a class library for your charts in the foreign F# language, because most web dev’s use C#

enter image description hereStep 2:

Create a sweet chart:

enter image description hereStep 3:

Reference and Serve sweet chart from C#:

  1. Note you put all of the policy control into the hands of the web dev with no additional components.

  2. Want google/twitter auth? Get it! Want routing controls, you have it all right here, no additional stuff, no additional staffing needed.

  3. No additional admins needed.

enter image description hereStep 4:

Bind Chart to web application…

enter image description hereNote that you need to make a call to drawChart(); to ensure the chart draws, otherwise you have a race condition. That line of code is not pictured, but important.

Step 5:

Enjoy your charts

enter image description here