Different folder as website subfolder Different folder as website subfolder wordpress wordpress

Different folder as website subfolder

www.site.com (points to /var/www/zf)

www.site.com/blog (points to /var/www/wp)

The easiset way to achive this, where you want a sub-url to point outside the VirtualHost's DocumentRoot directory, is to create an Alias...

Inside the VirtualHost block add:

Alias /blog /var/www/wp<Directory /var/www/wp>    Options All    AllowOverride All    order allow,deny    allow from all</Directory>

*This assumes you have PHP enabled in some way for that directory.

The ServerName trick will not work: you can not have path names in a ServerName directive.

For mod_rewrite you should be able to get away with something like this:

RewriteEngine onRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^blog/(.*)$ wp/$1 [L]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ zf/$1 [L]