Display Instagram photos from different account to my webpage Display Instagram photos from different account to my webpage wordpress wordpress

Display Instagram photos from different account to my webpage

This URL format http://instagram.com/{instagram user name}/media will return a json file with the latest (20+/-) media files from that user.

In the example of jamieoliver you can do http://instagram.com/jamieoliver/media

You could process that json response through an (jQuery) ajax call like :

$.ajax({    url: "http://instagram.com/jamieoliver/media",    dataType : "jsonp", // this is important    cache: false,    success: function(response){        // process the json response to get images        // e.g. the first image should be something like :         // response.items.images[0].low_resolution        // you could call an external function to iterate through the response    }});

Of course, I assume you understand what a json format looks like. If you are using WordPress, maybe you could find a plugin to deal with that json response


It seems like the response from http://instagram.com/{author_name}/media is not jsonp but json (see this for further reference), however setting a json dataType will return a cross-domain error.

The workaround is to use whateverorigin.org third-party app to circumvent the same-origin policy.

So format your URL like

"http://whateverorigin.org/get?url=" + encodeURIComponent("http://instagram.com/{author_name}/media");

The whateverorigin server will act as proxy and return the proper json format.

Note that you still need to use dataType : "jsonp" in your ajax call.