Docker-Compose WordPress MySql Can't Connect Docker-Compose WordPress MySql Can't Connect wordpress wordpress

Docker-Compose WordPress MySql Can't Connect

WARNING: This was the only container I had on my server so I did not mind deleting everything. Running these commands blindly can wipe out all your docker containers, volumes, etc.

I was able to solve my problem by deleting the docker volume.

Even when you run this command:

$ docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -v

does not remove volumes.

Every time I tried to create a new docker container it used my old volume that stored my old mysql database with my old mysql users table thus my old password which I would change and was wrong.

to get rid of old docker volumes use:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q )

will remove all docker volumes. then rebuild which will create a new volume with an updated table from your env variables.

A working example with modifications to your docker-compose:



WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: foldername_db_1.foldername_default:3306

This seems to be recent change in the way either docker-compose works or just the mysql image, as even I am using only that. Couldn't find any documentation on it :( , took 2 days to figure out. Hope this saves you some time!