Edit default .htaccess in wordpress docker Edit default .htaccess in wordpress docker wordpress wordpress

Edit default .htaccess in wordpress docker

For now I can think of two possible solutions for this problem:

  1. We can use a static .htaccess file and mount that as a volume at the place where original .htaccess is copied, i.e, at /var/html/www inside container. From updates to this answer, I have verified that this .htaccess file will not get overwritten by default docker-entrypoint.sh.

  2. We can use the docker-entrypoint.sh from wordpress docker at github and modify the part which creates the .htaccess file. This will keep the default behavior of entrypoint and .htaccess file will also be modified.

Update: Answer given by @Nazar is also correct. Having a closer look at default docker-entrypoint.sh in wordpress image, I found that there is a condition at line 35, which checks if .htaccess file already exists and creates a new file only if file does not exist. So, if I create my own file using RUN, it will not be overwritten.

Easyest way is to uild own image based on wordpress:with-netcat, with all required preparations:

FROM wordpress:with-netcatRUN /. EDIT YOUR .htaccess file here ./ENTRYPOINT ...CMD ...

And to use this image instead of original one.