Excluding Specific Terms from WP_Query Excluding Specific Terms from WP_Query wordpress wordpress

Excluding Specific Terms from WP_Query

Your Tax Query is should be looking within another array.

'tax_query' => array(   array(    'taxonomy' => 'categories',    'field'    => 'slug',    'terms'    => array( 'special-offers', 'other-terms' ),    'operator' => 'NOT IN',   )),

Rest of it seems okay.Check out the WP_Codex on this

Final solution was to add exclude and term id to the taxonomy arguments. Since it is for taxonomy and it uses foreach loop.

$args = array(    'parent' => 0,    'hide_empty' => true,    'exclude' => 13,);

And answer for how to output custom post type posts with no taxonomy can be found here: http://www.codeforest.net/wordpress-tip-show-posts-no-category-term

Thanks to CBroe and ste for their time.