FastCGI process has failed frequently recently - for WP on IIS 7.5 FastCGI process has failed frequently recently - for WP on IIS 7.5 wordpress wordpress

FastCGI process has failed frequently recently - for WP on IIS 7.5

It's difficult without log verbosity, but I had the same issue. You can see if this works for you:

Try maximizing your "Instance MaxRequest" in your FASTCGI Configuration.

IIS root > FastCGI Settings : Thenchoose php-cgi.exe for WP, then edit and increase the Instance MaxRequests

I have some Suggestions:

  1. You can Increase your php memory_limit at least 16M or more in php.ini.
  2. you can check if there is some detailed messages in event log then you can figure out the issue.
  3. you can switch to other php handlers like nginx or other.
  4. In Some cases mysql processes occurs this type of issue. So check MySql processes of the server(Many times it gives timeout error but in some cases it gives error 500)