Get Categories of events in Wordpress Events Calendar Pro Plugin Get Categories of events in Wordpress Events Calendar Pro Plugin wordpress wordpress

Get Categories of events in Wordpress Events Calendar Pro Plugin

You can use following code to get details of each terms.

$cats = get_the_terms( $post_id, 'tribe_events_cat' );$term = get_term( $cats[1], $taxonomy ); // Getting the 2nd term item$name = $term->name; //Getting names of terms

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Let me know if you have further questions.

I tried single_cat_title() and get_the_category() but they are not what I needed.

get_the_category() function retrieves default categories, post categories. As the categories defined by Events calendar pro plugin is not default, you need to use get_the_terms() function.

In get_the_terms() function, you need to pass post_id as first parameter and taxonomy / category name.

So, wrapping all up you can try below code :-

$event_cats = get_the_terms( $post_id, 'tribe_events_cat' )

Let me know if you need further assistance...

You could try to make a copy of the event.php via the following path:

[your-theme] /tribe/events/v2/list/event.php

and then write the following there:

<?php foreach (get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'tribe_events_cat') as $cat) { echo $cat->name; } ?>

And then put it in span/p and styled it.

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