Get coupon data from WooCommerce orders Get coupon data from WooCommerce orders wordpress wordpress

Get coupon data from WooCommerce orders

Update 3

Since WooCommerce 3.7, you should now use the WC_Abstract method get_coupon_codes() on the WC_Order instance object to get the used coupons from an order, as get_used_coupons() method is deprecated.

So you will replace in the code:

foreach( $order->get_used_coupons() as $coupon_code ){


foreach( $order->get_coupon_codes() as $coupon_code ){

Then you can get coupon details like:

foreach( $order->get_coupon_codes() as $coupon_code ) {    // Get the WC_Coupon object    $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_code);    $discount_type = $coupon->get_discount_type(); // Get coupon discount type    $coupon_amount = $coupon->get_amount(); // Get coupon amount}

Update 2

First you can't access anymore WC objects properties since WooCommerce 3.

You should now use WC_Coupon getter methods to get coupon details from the WC_Coupon Object instance…

In your case you have to use get_discount_type() method or is_type( 'cash_back_fixed' ) method …

Here is the way to do it:

// Get an instance of WC_Order object$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );// Coupons used in the order LOOP (as they can be multiple)foreach( $order->get_used_coupons() as $coupon_code ){    // Retrieving the coupon ID    $coupon_post_obj = get_page_by_title($coupon_code, OBJECT, 'shop_coupon');    $coupon_id       = $coupon_post_obj->ID;    // Get an instance of WC_Coupon object in an array(necessary to use WC_Coupon methods)    $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_id);    // Now you can get type in your condition    if ( $coupon->get_discount_type() == 'cash_back_percentage' ){        // Get the coupon object amount        $coupon_amount1 = $coupon->get_amount();    }    // Or use this other conditional method for coupon type    if( $coupon->is_type( 'cash_back_fixed' ) ){        // Get the coupon object amount        $coupon_amount2 = $coupon->get_amount();    }}

To get the coupons discount amounts (and to use also coupons types methods) here is the way:

$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );// GET THE ORDER COUPON ITEMS$order_items = $order->get_items('coupon');// print_r($order_items); // For testing// LOOP THROUGH ORDER COUPON ITEMSforeach( $order_items as $item_id => $item ){    // Retrieving the coupon ID reference    $coupon_post_obj = get_page_by_title( $item->get_name(), OBJECT, 'shop_coupon' );    $coupon_id = $coupon_post_obj->ID;    // Get an instance of WC_Coupon object (necessary to use WC_Coupon methods)    $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_id);    ## Filtering with your coupon custom types    if( $coupon->is_type( 'cash_back_fixed' ) || $coupon->is_type( 'cash_back_percentage' ) ){        // Get the Coupon discount amounts in the order        $order_discount_amount = wc_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'discount_amount', true );        $order_discount_tax_amount = wc_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'discount_amount_tax', true );        ## Or get the coupon amount object        $coupons_amount = $coupons->get_amount();    }}

So to get the coupon price, we use the WC_Coupon get_amount() method

In my case, I needed to change new orders to "pre-order" (custom status already added in system) if specific coupon used and order paid (so, if processing status engaged).

function change_status_to_preorder($order_id) {        $order          = new WC_Order($order_id);    $coupon_codes   = $order->get_coupon_codes();        if(in_array('MYCOUPON', $coupon_codes) && $order->get_status() == 'processing') {        $order->update_status('wc-pre-order', 'AUTO: note to shop manager');    }}add_action('woocommerce_new_order', 'change_status_to_preorder', 1, 1);