grunt sass add comment to output file grunt sass add comment to output file wordpress wordpress

grunt sass add comment to output file

You should put a ! so the banner is not removed by a minifier.

You can pull your info from the package.json also like this:

In Gruntfile.js

pkg: pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),sass: {  dist: {    options: {      banner: '/*!\n' +              ' * Theme Name: Forum\n' +              ' * Theme URI: <%= pkg.url %>\n' +              ' * Description: <%= pkg.description %>\n' +              ' * Author: <%= %>\n' +              ' * Author URI: <%= %>\n' +              ' * Version: <%= pkg.version %>\n' +              ' * Tags:\n' +              ' */\n'

Sadly in v0.9.0 (realsed in February 2015) baner option has been removed from grunt-contrib-sass. I used this task grunt-banner and it works just fine.