How can I add notification bubble to Wordpress admin menu How can I add notification bubble to Wordpress admin menu wordpress wordpress

How can I add notification bubble to Wordpress admin menu

Edit the theme's function.php and append these line of codes -

add_action('admin_menu', 'notification_bubble_in_admin_menu');function notification_bubble_in_admin_menu() {    global $menu;    $newitem = get_number_of_new_post_by_type('post');    $menu[11][0] .= $newitem ? "<span class='update-plugins count-1'><span class='update-count'>$newitem </span></span>" : '';}function get_number_of_new_post_by_type($type){    global $wpdb;    return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}withdraw WHERE wd_status=0;" ) );}