How to add custom post type to nav_menu in Wordpress? How to add custom post type to nav_menu in Wordpress? wordpress wordpress

How to add custom post type to nav_menu in Wordpress?

The function register_post_type() takes an argument show_in_nav_menus. If you set this to TRUE you get a selector for your custom post type in the menu manager.

Sample code

    register_post_type(        'post_type_name'    ,   array (            'can_export'          => TRUE        ,   'exclude_from_search' => FALSE        ,   'has_archive'         => TRUE        ,   'hierarchical'        => TRUE        ,   'label'               => 'CPT Test'        ,   'menu_position'       => 5        ,   'public'              => TRUE        ,   'publicly_queryable'  => TRUE        ,   'query_var'           => 'cpttest'        ,   'rewrite'             => array ( 'slug' => 'cpt-test' )        ,   'show_ui'             => TRUE        ,   'show_in_menu'        => TRUE        ,   'show_in_nav_menus'   => TRUE        ,   'supports'            => array ( 'editor', 'title' )        )    );

Screen shot

Screen shot with the custom post type named CPT Test.