How to change the search action in wordpress search bar? How to change the search action in wordpress search bar? wordpress wordpress

How to change the search action in wordpress search bar?

There's this addition to the SQL WHERE clause on wp-includes/class-wp-query.php:1306:

<?php// wp-includes/class-wp-query.php:~1306foreach ( $q['search_terms'] as $term ) {    //...    $like = $n . $wpdb->esc_like( $term ) . $n;    $search .= $wpdb->prepare( "{$searchand}(({$wpdb->posts}.post_title $like_op %s) $andor_op ({$wpdb->posts}.post_excerpt $like_op %s) $andor_op ({$wpdb->posts}.post_content $like_op %s))", $like, $like, $like );    // ...

Therefore, I'd hook into the pre_get_posts, and supply the words of the query as explicit "search_terms", since they get added into that clause, with the LIKE modifier just as you said were looking for!

So, we might do something like this:

<?php// functions.phpfunction fuzzify_query(\WP_Query $q) {    if (true === $q->is_search()        && true === property_exists($q, 'query')        && true === key_exists('s', $q->query)    ) {        $original_query = $q->query['s'];        $words          = explode(' ', $original_query);        $fuzzy_words    = array_map(            function($word) {                return '%'.$word.'%';            },            $words        );        $q->query_vars['search_terms'] = $fuzzy_words;        return $q;    }    return $q;} add_action('pre_get_posts', 'fuzzify_query', 100); // Or whatever priority your fuzziness requires!