How to display disqus on home page How to display disqus on home page wordpress wordpress

How to display disqus on home page

I am also unable to get disqus to work on homepage.I can force the comments_template to appear by setting the following variable:$withcomments = 1;

which makes the comments.php template appear but the discus plugin only kicks in if its on other pages other than home page.

Its as if the plugin itself prevents it if is_home() rather than listening to wp $withcomments variable


Can be fixed with plugin hack to disqus.php:

In function dsq_comments_template change the conditional if(!(is_singular() && ( have_comments() || 'open' == $post->comment_status ))

In mycase where I wanted it to work on home and an aggregate page for a custom taxonomy 'issue' I did the following:

after global $comments;made a var for the more complex condition (it can go in the if instead)

$pass = (is_home() || is_taxonomy('issue')) || (is_singular() && ( have_comments() || 'open' == $post->comment_status ));

if(!$pass) {return}

... the rest of function ...

Be great if the developer made an option for this condition instead

not sure what you mean. Any comment plugin generally replace your current comment template and place their comment system. So make sure your comments_template(); in right place.

Please send details of your problem.

There's a Disqus tutorial with step-by-step instructions for a CMS. Does that help you with your installation?

I'm not sure what you mean by "not the disqus comment, just the standard comment", though. Can you explain?