How to filter/block RSS feed items with SimplePie How to filter/block RSS feed items with SimplePie wordpress wordpress

How to filter/block RSS feed items with SimplePie

SimplePie does not have built-in filtering functions (yet). However, you can selectively show only the items you wish:

$feed = fetch_feed($rss_url); // specify the source feed$limit = $feed->get_item_quantity(20); // specify number of items$items = $feed->get_items(0, $limit); // create an array of items$ignoreGUIDs = array("", "");foreach ($items as $item) :     if(!in_array($item->get_id(false), $ignoreGUIDs)){        echo $item->get_description();    }endforeach;

The get_id() method returns an array of the item's <guid>, <link>, and <title> tags, each of which the in_array() clause then searches for a match of each of your $ignoreGUIDs. If there are no matches, it means the item's GUID is not in your exlusion list and so the item is shown (by echo).