How to get all child pages of a parent page in wordpress? How to get all child pages of a parent page in wordpress? wordpress wordpress

How to get all child pages of a parent page in wordpress?

Here you go. A bit late for the author, but people will come here for an answer still ;-)

<?php // determine parent of current pageif ($post->post_parent) {    $ancestors = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);    $parent = $ancestors[count($ancestors) - 1];} else {    $parent = $post->ID;}$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=" . $parent . "&echo=0");if ($children) {?>    <ul class="subnav">        <?php             // current child will have class 'current_page_item'            echo $children;         ?>    </ul><?php } ?>

The easiest way to handle this is with get_children(). It pretty much does what you would expect. It returns the child pages of a parent page.

get_children() is basicly a wrapper for the WP_Query class.

You can use it like this...

$child_args = array(    'post_parent' => 1, // The parent id.    'post_type'   => 'page',    'post_status' => 'publish');$children = get_children( $child_args );

If you want to return the children of the current post you can pass in $post->ID as the 'post_parent'.

Documentation for get_children()

Documentation for WP_Query