How to get the url of a existing media in wordpress How to get the url of a existing media in wordpress wordpress wordpress

How to get the url of a existing media in wordpress

A straightforward approach - using a direct SQL SELECT statement with the WordPress database abstraction API:

$wpdb->get_var(    $wpdb->prepare("        SELECT    ID            FROM  $wpdb->posts            WHERE post_title = %s              AND post_type = '%s'    ", $title, $type));

You can incorporate this into a function (you can place in your functions.php file):

function get_post_by_title($title, $type = 'post') {    global $wpdb;    $post_id = $wpdb->get_var(        $wpdb->prepare("            SELECT    ID                FROM  $wpdb->posts                WHERE post_title = %s                  AND post_type = '%s'        ", $title, $type)    );    if(!empty($post_id)) {        return(get_post($post_id));    }}

And the in your templates you can call you functions like so:

$attachment = get_post_by_title('Filename', 'attachment');echo $attachment->guid; // this is the "raw" URLecho get_attachment_link($attachment->ID); // this is the "pretty" URL