how to integrate mvc page containing signalR with other platforms how to integrate mvc page containing signalR with other platforms wordpress wordpress

how to integrate mvc page containing signalR with other platforms

It's difficult to pin down exactly what you need to do, cause the question is rather broad, but I hope that these points help(ed) somewhat:

SignalR cross-domain uses JavaScript on the client side and CORS on the server side, so you're covered on that front. You could easily create a JavaScript file that can connect into the SignalR channel without any changes to PHP code other than to include the JavaScript in the client's page.

You could quite easily create a single script on your server that the client can reference on their page that pulls everything required on to the client's page. Because the script executes from your own server I don't think you'll need to worry about CORS cause it's not truly 'cross site scripting', because the code executing the requests will be 'owned' by your server/domain.

As for authentication, if it's only your script that needs access to the authentication, I think that means that you can make use of your domain's authentication too (cookies etc.) I'd have to check up on that one though. Ultimately you'd authenticate them using a HTTPs request to your domain from the included script?

Here are some useful threads that might help with that one: