How to integrate WordPress with Angular 8 for website? How to integrate WordPress with Angular 8 for website? wordpress wordpress

How to integrate WordPress with Angular 8 for website?

You can do it all manual in code and also, you can find some sort of plugin to assist in this manner. I have utilized both methods in my coding career.

Have a look on WP-NG is a plugin to automatic bootstrap angular application. Activate module by admin page and use directly directive. I have used this in 2-3 projects. Let, me say it clearly depends on your requirement, what you want to achieve.

Angular for WordPress - Free WP Plugin Library

In case, you are still preferring code for broader aspect. Try something like this.

1) Setup WordPress and a new theme2) Enqueue scripts in the theme3) Setup the theme4) Create the AngularJS application

var myapp = angular.module('myapp', []);// set the['$rootScope', function($rootScope){  // the following data is fetched from the JavaScript variables created by wp_localize_script(), and stored in the Angular rootScope  $rootScope.dir = BlogInfo.url;  $ =;  $rootScope.api = AppAPI.url;}]);// add a controllermyapp.controller('mycontroller', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {  // load posts from the WordPress API  $http({    method: 'GET',    url: $scope.api, // derived from the rootScope    params: {      json: 'get_posts'    }  }).  success(function(data, status, headers, config) {    $scope.postdata = data.posts;  }).  error(function(data, status, headers, config) {  });}]);

Also, you can give a look on this blog, I found it on Quora some days back, its good to read. Yeah its for Angular 6 but can help in many ways. Angular 6 blog on WordPress RestAPIs