How to limit the wordpress tagcloud by date? How to limit the wordpress tagcloud by date? wordpress wordpress

How to limit the wordpress tagcloud by date?

Okay, so what I think you probably want is to do this for say, the last 50 posts.

Loop over the last n posts, extract the term_id of each tag for each post, then pass that string into the include argument of wp_tag_cloud();

$how_many_posts = 50;$args = array(    'posts_per_page' => $how_many_posts,    'orderby' => 'date',    'order' => 'DESC',);// get the last $how_many_posts, which we will loop over// and gather the tags ofquery_posts($args);//$temp_ids = array();while (have_posts()) : the_post();     // get tags for each post    $posttags = get_the_tags();    if ($posttags) {        foreach($posttags as $tag) {            // store each tag id value            $temp_ids[] = $tag->term_id;        }    }endwhile;// we're done with that loop, so we need to reset the query nowwp_reset_query();$id_string = implode(',', array_unique($temp_ids));// These are the params I use, you'll want to adjust the args// to suit the look you want    $args = array(    'smallest'  => 10,     'largest'   => 30,    'unit'      => 'px',     'number'    => 150,      'format'    => 'flat',    'separator' => "\n",    'orderby'   => 'count',     'order'     => 'DESC',    'include'   => $id_string,  // only include stored ids    'link'      => 'view',     'echo'      => true,);wp_tag_cloud( $args );

I'm pretty sure that Tags does not have timestamps - perhaps you could do a search for posts with specific tags for a certain timeperiod?

I think you can look at some of the plugins and see if your have a plugin like what you need