How to run wp cli in docker-compose.yml How to run wp cli in docker-compose.yml wordpress wordpress

How to run wp cli in docker-compose.yml

Well there are a couple of problems. The first one is that those two containers (wordpress and wordpress-cli) don't share a volume. So while wordpress has a wordpress installation ready, the wordpress-cli doesn't.

So you can add volumes to both containers, and then wordpress-cli will find the wordpress installation.

Then there's a second problem: the wordpress:latest and wordpress:cli images both run with the user www-data, but the problem is that the individual www-data users have different user-id's:

$ docker run --rm wordpress:latest grep www-data /etc/passwd www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin$ docker run --rm wordpress:cli grep www-data /etc/passwd   www-data:x:82:82:Linux User,,,:/home/www-data:/bin/false

It seems they aren't exactly compatible here. So if you use a shared volume you have to make sure they both use the same user-id. I solved this by having the wordpress:cli run with the user xfs which also has the user id 33.

The last problem is that your containers have dependencies on each other. Wordpress needs a running MySQL instance and the wordpress-cli needs also the MySQL and the Wordpress to be ready. To make sure MySQL is ready for the wordpress cli installation you either use something like "wait-for-it" or in a simple case you can just wait a couple of seconds and then try it.

I have tested all those changes and came up with the following docker-compose.yml. I have annotated all the changes I've made with "vstm":

version: "3.3"services:  db:    image: mysql:5.7    volumes:      - db_data:/var/lib/mysql    restart: always    environment:      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somewordpress      MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress      MYSQL_USER: wordpress      MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress  wordpress:    depends_on:      - db    image: wordpress:latest    ports:      - 8000:80    restart: always    environment:      WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306      WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: wordpress      WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress      WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress      WORDPRESS_TABLE_PREFIX: "wp_"      WORDPRESS_DEBUG: 1    # vstm: add shared volume    volumes:      - wp_data:/var/www/html  wordpress-cli:    depends_on:      - db      - wordpress    image: wordpress:cli    # vstm: This is required to run wordpress-cli with the same    # user-id as wordpress. This way there are no permission problems    # when running the cli    user: xfs    # vstm: The sleep 10 is required so that the command is run after    # mysql is initialized. Depending on your machine this might take    # longer or it can go faster.    command: >      /bin/sh -c '      sleep 10;      wp core install --path="/var/www/html" --url="http://localhost:8000" --title="Local Wordpress By Docker" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=secret      '    # vstm: add shared volume    volumes:      - wp_data:/var/www/htmlvolumes:  db_data:  # vstm: add shared volume  wp_data:

It uses a docker-volume but you can also map it to a filesystem. Depends on how you plan to use your docker-compose.

This one worked for me:

  wpcli:    depends_on:       - mysql      - wordpress    image: wordpress:cli    links:      - mysql:db    entrypoint: wp    command: "--info"    container_name: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_wpcli    volumes:      - ${WORDPRESS_DATA_DIR:-./wordpress}:/var/www/html    working_dir: /var/www/html

Note that in the line:

links:  - mysql:db

mysql = name of my servicedb = alias name I gave it, can be anything

Then you issue run wp like so:

docker-compose run --rm wpcli WORDPRESS_COMMAND


this's my first answer at Stack Overflow :">

Actually, your question inspired me, and @vstm's answer guided me a bit.

You could try my piece of code:

#!/bin/bash -eHOST=$(echo $WORDPRESS_DB_HOST | cut -d: -f1)PORT=$(echo $WORDPRESS_DB_HOST | cut -d: -f2)CMD=$@until mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -D $WORDPRESS_DB_NAME -u $WORDPRESS_DB_USER -p$WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD -e '\q'; do  >&2 echo "Mysql is unavailable - sleeping..."  sleep 2done>&2 echo "Mysql is up - executing command"exec $CMD


version: '3.9'services:  wordpress:    image: wordpress:5.7.0-php7.4-apache    ports:      - "80:80"    volumes:      - ./wp-data/:/var/www/html/    networks:      wp-net: {}  wp-cli:    image: wordpress:cli-2.4.0-php7.4    depends_on:      - wordpress    volumes:      - ./      - ./wp-data:/var/www/html/ # shared with wordpress service    user: "33"    command: >      /      wp core install      --path="/var/www/html"      --url="http://your-url-here"      --title=your-title-here      --admin_user=your-user-here      --admin_password=your-password-here      --admin_email=your-email-here}      --skip-email    networks:      wp-net: {}networks:  wp-net: {}

For your reference: