How to setup email with AWS Lightsail How to setup email with AWS Lightsail wordpress wordpress

How to setup email with AWS Lightsail

I would suggest not hosting your client's email through your Lightsail server. There are a lot of extra headaches to consider and there are other services that are more reliable and offer a better more robust user interface than the options available on server.

To get your client a custom domainname email address (ie here are two options:

Zoho - Cost: FREE

You can sign up here: need to verify the domain name for this to work (either by adding an HTML file to the site or a CNAME to the domain)

GSuite by Google - Cost: $5/user/month

You can sign up here: can also get some good promotional codes to get 20% off the first year - here's one: 9746YLRVNWERPAH

And, to your question about making sure forgot password emails are sent, make sure sendmail is installed on the server (apt-get install sendmail), that the /etc/hosts file contains the following

  • localhost localhost.localdomain yourhostnamehere

and that port 25 is open on the server.