How to use post title as featured image's alt text in Wordpress? How to use post title as featured image's alt text in Wordpress? wordpress wordpress

How to use post title as featured image's alt text in Wordpress?

No need to change WordPress core files:)

Just locate in your theme where the_post_thumbnail() function is used and change it to:

$title=get_the_title();the_post_thumbnail( array(150, 150),array( 'alt' =>$title) );


You are absolutely right .

$title=get_the_title();the_post_thumbnail( array(150, 150),array( 'alt' =>$title) );

this is usefull of you Alex please check it out.

Alex , if you want to display only specific image then use this code

<img src="'.wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($item->ID)).'" alt="'.$item->post_title.'" title="'.$item->post_title.'" />