In Wordpress, how do I display a single random post of a custom post type in a sidebar widget? In Wordpress, how do I display a single random post of a custom post type in a sidebar widget? wordpress wordpress

In Wordpress, how do I display a single random post of a custom post type in a sidebar widget?

If you want you can directly paste following code snippet in your sidebar.php where you want to show the Testimonials (make sure whether it's testimonials/Testimonials)

<?php  $args = array(    'post_type'=>'testimonials',     'orderby'=>'rand',     'posts_per_page'=>'1'  );  $testimonials=new WP_Query($args);  while ($testimonials->have_posts()) : $testimonials->the_post(); ?>    <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>    <p><?php the_excerpt(); // or the_content(); ?></p><?php   endwhile;  wp_reset_postdata();?>