Increase all Woocommerce products prices by a percentage [closed] Increase all Woocommerce products prices by a percentage [closed] wordpress wordpress

Increase all Woocommerce products prices by a percentage [closed]

Updated on July 2018
You can run the following SQL query, that will update all your product prices adding an extra 24% (and rounding prices too):

UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_value` = ROUND(`meta_value` * 1.24, 2) WHERE meta_key LIKE '%_price%' AND (meta_value > 0 or `meta_value` != '')AND `post_id` IN (    SELECT `ID`     FROM `wp_posts`     WHERE `post_type` = 'product'     AND `post_status` = 'publish'     AND `ID` = `post_id`);

This is tested and works.

Before running this SQL query do a database backup

You might need to delete products transient cache going to Settings -> Status -> Tools (tab) and in "WooCommerce transients" you will "clear transients";

Handle product variations too:

You just need to replace this line:

WHERE `post_type` = 'product'

By this line:

WHERE `post_type` IN ('product','product_variation')

Additionally you will also need to use:

DELETEFROM `wp_options`WHERE (`option_name` LIKE '_transient_wc_var_prices_%'    OR `option_name` LIKE '_transient_timeout_wc_var_prices_%')