Inline pre formatting? Inline pre formatting? wordpress wordpress

Inline pre formatting?

It may be better to use <code> than <pre> to display inline code, for two reasons:

  • it's treated as inline
  • the semantics of <code> are a much better match than <pre>

But definitely use CSS classes (as @Blender points out).

There's a caveat: <code> doesn't escape <> brackets, so if you want to display HTML then you have to manually escape brackets as < and >. (which you should really do anyway; tags in HTML really should be clearly distinguished from data)

<tt>text</tt> gives text

Wait... Wordpress? What HTML tags does it support?

You can have an inline <pre> by adding some custom CSS to your theme's stylesheet:

pre.inline {   display: inline;}

Now, when you write:

I am some <pre class="inline">code, see?</pre> Foo.

It shows up like this:

I am some code, see? Foo.