Is there any way to display the WooCommerce mini-cart on my WordPress site? Is there any way to display the WooCommerce mini-cart on my WordPress site? wordpress wordpress

Is there any way to display the WooCommerce mini-cart on my WordPress site?

As Bhoomi suggested, using woocommerce_mini_cart(); works however ajax cart doesn't update the minit cart.

Using this method I suggest to wrap mini_cart function with "widget_shopping_cart_content" woocommerce class, for example :

<div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"><?php woocommerce_mini_cart(); ?></div>

So with ajax add to cart, the mini cart is updated also.

First Create the shortcode on function.php

// Add Shortcode

function custom_mini_cart() {     echo '<a href="#" class="dropdown-back" data-toggle="dropdown"> ';    echo '<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart" aria-hidden="true"></i>';    echo '<div class="basket-item-count" style="display: inline;">';        echo '<span class="cart-items-count count">';            echo WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();        echo '</span>';    echo '</div>';    echo '</a>';    echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-mini-cart">';        echo '<li> <div class="widget_shopping_cart_content">';                  woocommerce_mini_cart();            echo '</div></li></ul>';      }       add_shortcode( '[custom-techno-mini-cart]', 'custom_mini_cart' );

Then add this [custom-techno-mini-cart] short code anywhere on page.

Now add this inside your template

 <?php echo do_shortcode(['custom-techno-mini-cart']); ?>

Hope This will help you.

Make your layout according to your requirement in first point.

ADD Like This ALSo using This


You can use woocommerce_mini_cart() wherever you want to display your minicart.

This function loads the mini-cart.php template to display the mini cart.